App Submit

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I am Yen Dang, Mehub product owner. First, I am so sorry about the issues you faced while you were reviewing our app.

I walked through all of your conversations with our developer about issues with the app. I appreciate your comments and suggestions to help us publish the app to the App Store.

Before I go into more detail on these issues, I would like to give you some information about Mehub, which we should have done earlier to help you better understand our apps and users.

Mehub offers a seamless way for digital creators to transform their brand into a business. To begin, creators can register for an account and establish their own "Hub" - a centralized space for managing all activities on our platform. Creators can produce multiple Hubs that cater to specific goals, such as product sales, self-promotion websites, and fan engagement. Before gaining entry to a Hub, it must first receive approval from Mehub Admin. Once approval is granted, each Hub has its customizable website that creators can use to showcase products for sale and receive donations from their fans.

Our platform is built and deployed primarily in a web environment. The basic operational model among our applications is provided in the link below the article.

Currently, Mehub has been launched, and we have started onboarding our initial set of creators to the platform. Our goal is to enhance the experience and ease of hub management for creators by introducing essential features on the mobile app. As a result, the features on the app are currently at a basic level, primarily focusing on quick access to key information for creators who may not have access to the management dashboard via a laptop or desktop. These features include:

  • Revenue and profit statistics
  • Order management, donations, and purchased gifts
  • Promotions management
  • General shop settings

This might give the impression that our mobile version is akin to a trial version. Additionally, users of this mobile version are creators who already have accounts and have registered hubs previously. Therefore, we prioritize the mobile login function and skip the account creation feature.

Regarding the additional information you need from us, below is our response:

Firstly, we would like to refer to the users of this app as ‘Creators' to distinguish them from regular users.

1. How do users give donations?

  - Users can support their creators by creating donations on the creator's website.

2. Who benefits from the donations?

  - The primary beneficiary is the Creator.

3. Is there a limit to how much users can donate?

  - Currently, there is no limit.

4. Where do users pay for donations?

  - Users can make donations on the Creator's website store. For example, on a page like

5. What are donations used for?

  - Donations are intended for the benefit of the Creator.

6. When can the donations be cashed out?

  - Creators can manage these funds on their management website within our platform.

With the information provided, we hope that you now have a clearer understanding of the challenges encountered during the review process of our application. The Mehub team is continuously working hard to deliver the best experience for our customers. We are always open to listening and improving our products every day. 

We sincerely hope that our creators can soon access the mobile version on IOS devices. We appreciate your patience and look forward to providing a seamless experience for all Mehub users.

Thank you for your support!

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At Fourthwall, one core company value is "Creators, creators, creators." This means that we always put creators first. Our approach to customer support is centered around this idea, and our team is dedicated to helping creators succeed.